Peter-Emil Witt
+45 50 92 70 64
Work experience
2019 – : Videojournalist and podcastproducer, Dagbladet Børsen
2019 – : Freelance photojournalist and videojournalist
2016 – 2018: Photojournalist, Dagbladet Børsen
2015 – 2016: Photoeditor, Illustreret Bunker
2011 – 2015: Freelance photographer
Exhibitions, talks & prizes
2024: European newspaper awards: Cross-media project (US-election coverage)
2023: Exhibition of The Unnatural or How to not Feel at Home, Prospekt Gallery
2019: Presentation and showing of ”I Fall in Love”, Atla. Nordic Platform for Emerging Photography
2018: Exhibition of "Youth in Europe", Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Monschau, Germany
2014: Exhibition, Frugt & Kunst
2012: Fatamorgana semester exhibition
2023: One year personal project, Theilgaard Academy
2014 – 2019: Bachelor in photojournalism, Danmarks Medie- og Journalisthøjskole,
2018: Selected for ”Canon Student Program”, Visa Pour L’Image
2018: "Youth in Europe" workshop with Magnum and Stuart Franklin.
2012 – 2013: Danmarks Fotografiske Billedkunstskole Fatamorgana
2011: Politikens journalist-workshop